Here we have a nice Cold War relic from the early 1960s, when the hawks were in charge on both sides of the conflict and both sides were blatantly lying to their people, holding up the illusion that you could actually protect yourself when it comes to a nuclear war, or "Hydrogen War" as they call it here on this record.
The album and its contents were sanctioned by the U.S. government (Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization), and the package includes two pamphlets titled "The Family Fallout Shelter" and "Facts About Fallout Protection."
The album sleeve is additionally crammed with text and checklists, and contains supposedly "official" guidelines for how to equip your private nuclear shelter. According to these instructions, the average American family was expected to stay in the shelter for two weeks after a nuclear attack, and for that time, a 10-gallon can for human wastes would be required. And a first-aid kit, a pocket knife and some DDT.

Being Ready is Only Chance for Survival!
"This record album is not for entertainment - it is for survival! It tells explicitly what to do to give yourself and your family the greatest possible protection in the event of a nuclear attack upon the United States. If the bomb falls... be prepared!"
The LP sold for 99 cents in 1961 as TOPS was a cheapo budget label. $1.00 in 1961 is equivalent to about $8.00 today. Here are some more pictures of the pamphlets that came with this records. Click on them to see larger versions.

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